Hosted and co-organised by the Japan Science and Technology Agency the 7th Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary meeting will be held in Tokyo, Japan on 1-3 March 2016.
With the theme “Making data sharing work in the era of Open Science”, the 7th Plenary is built around the RDA Working and Interest group meetings, and will also see the release of a new set of group outputs with sessions dedicated to adoption and success stories.
ELIXIR will hold a session together with BioSharing to report on ELIXIR recent activities and how it can support access to public (reference) data sets in the life sciences. The programme will also highlight connections with U.S. BD2K (Big Data to Knowledge) Initiative and other initiatives across the world.
ELIXIR Bridging Force Interest Group to connect ELIXIR with relevant RDA Interest and Working Groups, e.g. those on agricultural data, big data analysis, federated identity management, marine data, structural biology, toxicogenomics, and data publishing.