The workshop will present new concepts and tools for applying ontologies to data to ensure their interroperability with data from different sources. It aims to promote data sharing and introduce the basic principles of 'data linkage approach' with a particular attention to rare diseases.
The programme inludes brief presentations and practical session where participants can learn how to apply common standards to make their rare disease data interoperable with other sources and databases. This event is open to health professionals, researchers, medical specialists, medical students and representatives of patient associations, who are involved or intend to establish a rare disease patient registry.
The workshop is organised jointly by Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome and he EU-funded RD-CONNECT project, as part of the Rare disease Use Case Pilot, a joint initiative of RD-CONNECT, BBMRI-NL, BBMRI-ERIC and ELIXIR. Its aim is to create a federated infrastructure that would enable access to different rare disease repositories across Europe. The ELIXIR role is to test different technologies for interoperability backbone for the rare disease community which which will feed into the Rare Disease Use case within ELIXIR-EXCELERATE.