ELIXIR Toxicology Community Webinar 1

This webinar will provide insights into how two of the ELIXIR platforms (Data and Interoperability) can change toxicological data management, tackling challenges faced by toxicology research consortia like 'Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals' (PARC), the 'Animal-free Safety assessment of chemicals: Project cluster for Implementation of novel Strategies' (ASPIS) and 'NanoSafety Cluster' (NSC). 

Webinar Speakers: 

Marvin Martens Ulrike Wittig Susanna-Assunta Sansone Phillipe Rocca-Serra Allyson Lister

We will start the webinar with an introduction to the ELIXIR Data and Interoperability platforms, given by two of the leaders (Ulrike Wittig & Susanna-Assunta Sansone) who reveal the powerful tools and resources they provide for data FAIRness, as well as then activities in the current programme of work. We then delve deeper into the application for the toxicology community, with the FAIRsharing Collection by the ELIXIR Toxicology Community, and discuss the pressing data challenges within PARC, ASPIS and NSC and specifically discuss and explore a.o. the use of ELIXIR resources for developing compact identifiers and FAIR-ification of Adverse Outcome Pathways

This webinar serves as preparation for the free-of-charge 2-days hands-on workshop entitled "FAIR-ification of Toxicological Research Output: Leveraging ELIXIR Resources" to be held on 28-29 May 2024 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This is the first of five workshops organized during 2024 -2025 by the ELIXIR Toxicology Community as part of their Implementation Study (INTOXICOM). Registration is now open

Links to resources mentioned in the Webinar: 

Marvin Martens
Ulrike Wittig
Susanna-Assunta Sansone (ELIXIR-UK and ELIXIR Interoperability Platform Lead)
Philippe Rocca-Serra
Allyson Lister (ELIXIR-UK and FAIRsharing)