Hinxton Conference centre
United Kingdom
This year, we are combining the annual community gathering with the FAIR Data Management Workshop. The annual meeting is scheduled for October 18th and will be hosted at the EMBL-EBI Campus in Hinxton, UK. Following that, the workshop will take place from October 19th to 20th, 2023.
During the workshop, the focus will be on discussing and sharing practices related to FAIR data management. The agenda includes insights from members of the Single Cell Omics Community who will present their data production and analysis workflows. Challenges in reusing others' data and creating usable datasets will also be addressed. The aim is to establish best practices in managing research data and pinpoint key areas where the community requires improvements to enhance data FAIRness. The workshop is scheduled for a duration of two days, from morning to lunchtime.
The current agenda (draft) can be found here.
Seats for the in-person segment of the meeting are limited, whereas there is no cap on the number of virtual participants. Those who receive invitations to attend will be offered funding based on their participation in either one or both parts of the event, as well as their involvement in the implementation study. Detailed information about funding and reimbursement will be provided after registration. We kindly request that you refrain from making any travel arrangements until you have received a confirmation notification.
Travel and venue
Once notified of your F2F attendance you will be expected to make your own travel and accommodation arrangements to the venue, reimbursement information will be shared with invited attendees after their successful registration.
Recommended accommodation (please consider shared reimbursement rules):
To book, please click on this link: https://booking.hinxtonhall.org/. Online bookings can only be made up until 8 days prior to your arrival date (up until the 9th October 2023).
1. Enter dates, number of rooms required and your bespoke Promo Code: KX26180-AK
2. Please add any special requirements you may have in the booking notes section when you complete your personal details.
3. Complete the Worldpay card payment steps fully in order to confirm your reservation.
You will automatically receive confirmation from Hinxton Hall of your booking following successful payment. * If you do not receive a confirmation email please do not assume your booking is confirmed – please contact our Reception Team on +44 (0)1223 495000 or at conference.reception@hinxtonhall.org to check your booking has been processed fully.
Registration deadlines:
F2F registration deadline: 27 September 2023
Virtual registration deadline: 16 October 2023
Clare Garrard clare.garrard@elixir-europe.org
Katharina Heil katharina.heil@elixir-europe.org