Studenterhus Aarhus
Nordre Ringgade 3
Are you working within bioinformatics in the field of crop or livestock genomics? Would you like to promote your own implementations or tools? Or would you like to get an overview of the tools available within your own research field and how the different implementations complement each other? Then this hackathon is of interest to you!
The registry
The Danish node of ELIXIR ( - the infrastructure for biological information -creates a comprehensive registry for tools in bioinformatics, This hackathon will populate the database with tools used in crop and livestock genomics.
During the event you will participate in:
- Identifying which topics are covered by the field of crop and livestock genomics
- Identification of tools and databases used in different branches of agricultural bioinformatics
- Learn about the registry and how to describe tools using the EDAM ontology (
- Creation of templates for different types of tools in order to secure quality
Expected outcome
By the end of the hackathon we expect to identify at least 400 tools within the agricultural genomics category ready for upload. We will discuss and identify common workflows to ensure a thorough identification of tools and in addition, high quality annotation of tools within the registry will facilitate researchers in the field of agricultural genomics to select proper tools for future analyses.
The hackathon will take place at Aarhus University, “Studenternes hus” from noon on 2 February until 2.00 pm on 3 February. Diner on the 2nd is included and will take place at the Moroccan restaurant “Ricks” where it will be possible to choose from different tapas dishes.
The event is free of cost, however, participants must arrange and pay for their own transportation and accommodation.
For registration or additional information please contact: Vivi R. Gregersen, Aarhus University at