ELIXIR Data Platform F2F 2024


Hotel NH Padova
Via Niccolò Tommaseo, 61
35131 Padova PD

We are pleased to invite you to join for the forthcoming ELIXIR Data Platform face-to-face event in Padova, Italy.

Day 1: Tuesday 1 October 2024, 09:00-17:00 CEST  

Day 2: Wednesday 2 October 2024, 09:00-13:00 CEST

Venue and accomodation

The event will take place at the Hotel NH Padova in Padova, Italy.

For those requiring accommodation, we recommend attendees stay at the same hotel as the event, but this is not strictly required. Availability of funding for travel depends on individual Node policy and priority, please contact your Node coordinator for information. 

For event rate bookings on the nights 30th September & 1st October email mtngs.nhpadova@nh-hotels.com or nhpadova@nh-hotels.com including the reference number MB0003970805. After the reservation any cancellation is a penalty of 100%. The event rate is only available until 22nd June.

-Event rate, single room: €169.00 

-Event rate, double room: €189.00

After this date, room bookings should be made directly, either on the venue website or via the usual hotel platforms.

Travel logistics

Information for reccomended travel routes to Padova can be found here.

Online attendance

All plenary and meeting sessions will be fully hybrid using the Zoom platform with conference cameras and microphones. Registration for virtual only attendance will be possible via the same registration link. 


Full agenda available upon registration.

Registration deadlines

  • In person:  17 September 2024
  • Online:  27 September 2024


Subsequent to the ELIXIR Data Platform event, a 1.5 day event from the ELIXIR-STEERS EC project will take place at the same venue. This WP2+3 focused STEERS event will take place after the Data Platform event and is independent:

Day 1: Wednesday 2nd October, 2024 from 13:00-17:00 CEST  

Day 2: Thursday 3rd October, 2024 from 09:00-17.00 CEST  

Registration note: a single Eventscase registration is in place for both events and attendees will be able to register for one or both of the events. Therefore, you will not have to register twice if attending both events.

