All ExCo, Compute and Training Platforms co-located meeting


Munich Hilton City
Rosenheimer Strasse 15
81667 Munich

You are invited to join this meeting in Germany, at The Hilton Munich City 

This is a co-located meeting for the Compute and Training Platforms, and for All ExCos to gather in person. The programme is still being finalised, and full details, including individual meeting programmes will be available shortly. 




Time (CET)

Compute Platform Tuesday 25 March 14:00-18:00 Link
Compute Platform Wednesday 26 March 09:00-13:00  
All ExCo Meeting  Wednesday 26 March 14:00-18:00 Link 
All ExCo Meeting Thursday 27 March 09:00-13:00  
Training Platform Thursday 27 March 14:00-18:00 Link
Training Platform  Friday 28 March  09:00-14:00  


Details for travelling from Munich International Airport (Map):

Tram S8 (via Ostbahnhof) to München Rosenheimer Platz  Tickets 

  • Takes 35 minutes and departs every 20 minutes (cost: €13)
  • One-minute walk from the station

Bus to Rosenheimer Street

  • Various routes, including changes, take about one hour (cost: €20)
  • It's a two-minute walk from Rosenheimer Street

Taxi approximately 30 minutes, depending on traffic (cost: €10)

As with every ELIXIR event, this will follow the Code of Conduct