A webinar is a live presentation by one or more speakers and open to all. The presentation will last 30-45 minutes followed by Q&A. The registration link will be promoted through ELIXIR channels and others. The presentation will be recorded and made available on YouTube.
- Submission form for new webinars
- Webinar details (internal)
- Events guidelines
- Presentation templates
- Housekeeping slides
- ELIXIR's Code of Conduct
Purpose of a webinar
- Presentation of work
- Disseminate information (eg. Outline a RFP / grant application process)
- Maturity process of a group within ELIXIR (eg. Community / Focus Group)
- Outreach, raising awareness of activities
- Training
Planning a webinar
If / when the idea is first raised please complete this form. The more details the better, but everything can be discussed before the event is published.
- Title
- Speaker/s
- Contact details
- Date (if known or TBA)
- A one-off event or part of a series?
- Is technical support required for the event?
- Branding guidelines
Technical requirements
- Zoom Webinar
- Attendees will be mute and unaware of who else is attending
- Q&A and chat functions are available
- Attendees can be invited to participate directly by the host
- Zoom will be used for registration, circulating links and reminders.
- Alternatively Zoom Meeting (very similar, attendees able to engage more directly)
- It is assumed presenters are familiar with Zoom, if not a rehearsal could be arranged prior to the event.
- Slide deck: Powerpoint, Google Slides, Keynote, PDF or whichever is preferred.
Promotion (ELIXIR Hub)
- Set up a public webpage (in time this will include the recording and slide deck as a lasting record of the webinar)
- Open registration (via Zoom)
- Gender data (Same question as other platforms: F/M/Non-binary/not say)
- If relevant, ask for consent to share participants' list (e.g. for EBIF type event)
- Registrations will be handled inline with GDPR requirements.
- Promote the event (Comms team and others)
- Weekly Brief and/or Key Contributors Update
- Mailing list, Slack Channels etc
Before the event (ELIXIR Hub)
- Liaise with speaker/s
- Share Housekeeping and Templates
- Arrange for Chair, if reqd.
- Prepare an introduction for the speaker/s
On the day
- Open Zoom 30 minutes before the start
- Confirm that connections work (mic, camera, screenshare)
- Review running order:
What |
Who |
Welcome and Housekeeping | ELIXIR Representative |
Introductions | Chair (or ELIXIR Representative) |
Presentation/s |
Single slide deck or one each? Who to share screen? |
Q&A | Chair (or ELIXIR Representative) |
Close | ELIXIR Representative |
Afterwards (hub)
- Download the recording, edit and upload to Youtube channel
- Update webpage
- Link to recording
- Link to Slide deck (pdf)
- Redraft the grammar (past tense)
- Videos or pre-recorded talks are strongly discouraged
- Live demonstrations can be very effective but it is advisable to a backup (slide deck of screenshots)
- Lapel microphones (built into the headphone cable) are perfectly good but can brush against clothing which will be picked up on the recording
Examples of Webinars include:
- Commissioned Services around the time of the final report
- RFP guidelines
- Launch of activities / projects
- Communities or Focus Groups
- White paper publication
- Ongoing activities
- AH proposals that are unsuccessful (Alternative outlet)
- Platforms
- Nodes (esp. Node AH activities or Annual meeting)
- Other (eg. GA4GH, EOSC)