Post-doctoral position in Bioinformatics and Semantic web technologies

The main mission of the CALIPHO group, affiliated to the University of Geneva and to the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, is the development of neXtProt, a human protein knowledge resource integrating curated knowledge from multiple sources (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, GOA, PeptideAtlas, Human Protein Atlas, ...). In parallel with improving our web platform, we are starting a new challenging phase focused on integrating new types of data like coexpression, phylogeny, etc. to extend our knowledge base and become the one-stop shop for scientists working on human proteins. Our extended knowledge base will be made available via our REST API and searchable via our SPARQL endpoint.

We are looking for a creative, highly motivated and innovative post-doc to join our development team and help design and implement solutions for efficient big data integration of multiple and heterogeneous sources, extend our RDF representation to meet standards and to provide our users with a scalable SPARQL engine.  The position is funded for a duration of 1-3 years.

Closing date
Organisation name
ELIXIR Switzerland