Community and Data Management network engagement (2022-23)

To engage the Communities and increase the uptake of services and to align the Data Platform with other activities (such as FAIRplus, CONVERGE, EIP and the work of the Registries Focus Group) it is proposed to:

  1. Engage ELIXIR Communities around Data Platform services, outreach and training activities;
  2. Research Data Management, anchor Data Management Expert network (CONVERGE WP1) to the Data Platform for long-term development beyond/after CONVERGE;
  3. Develop plans around Community Data Resources, landscape analysis for ELIXIR Communities, develop recommendations;
  4. Via the Nodes, develop the data science workflows that ensure that raw and processed data from experiments are made available via Core Data Resources (CDRs), ELIXIR Deposition Databases (EDDs) and community data resources. Outreach to ensure DMPs reflect the use of CDRs, EDDs and community data resources as a priority to maximise reuse.