ELIXIR 3D-BioInfo Community: FAIR Infrastructure for protein structural and functional annotations


This is the first of a series of 10 webinars organised by the ELIXIR 3D-BioInfo Community. The series will present the five major aims of the Community around protein structural annotations, protein complexes, protein ligand interactions, protein nucleic acid interactions and protein engineering. See the webinar series page for details.

This webinar looks at Activity I of the Community: to develop the infrastructure for FAIR structural and functional annotations.


  1. Sameer Velankar: Overview of the 3D-Beacons project   Slidedeck
  2. Ian Sillitoe: 3D-Beacons client and API   Sidedeck 
  3. Gerardo Tauriello: Model quality   Slidedeck

Each presentation will last around 15 minutes followed by questions. There will be an opportunity for a wider discussion at the end. 

Sameer Velankar (PDBe at EBI )
Ian Sillitoe (UCL)